Monday, January 18, 2016

Sand Cloud

Hello all!!
I wanted to let you know about this new company I have partnered with! This company is called Sand Cloud! They sell towels, water bottles, bags and many other accessories! The best and my personal favorite reason to buy from this company is because when you purchase Sand Cloud products, you are helping to preserve and protect beaches, oceans, and marine life. 10% of their net profits are donated to organizations that share their mission. Living in the Midwest, I believe we tend to forget about our costal friends! As a college student, I want to raise awareness to many companies that are doing exceptional work for our Earth! My passion lies with animals and children cancer research. I believe this company is making an impact on marine wildlife. Raising awareness for those who can not speak for themselves is important to me. If you are looking to make a purchase from Sand Cloud  you can use my code AllieT25 to receive 25% of your order! You #savethefishies with every purchase! 

Aren't these towels just beautiful? Whether you use it as a towel or tapestry is still just as lovely! 

Checkout their Facebook Page and Instagram Page!

Click HERE to begin your purchase and checkout how to become an ambassador! 

Thank you for checking out this amazing company! If you are willing to make a purchase to help support marine animals click HERE and use the code AllieT25 to get 25% off your order!

So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kinds. And God saw that is was good. -Genesis 1:21

Lots of Love,

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