Monday, July 27, 2015

Parents Are the Best

I love my parents. For most teenagers this would probably be an embarrassing statement, but for me it's not. This is because I learned the hard way it is easier to accept your parents' rules and disciplines than it is to fight them. Over the past four years my parents and I have grown to be exceptionally close. I am so blessed to have three people that care for me so much and help me live a life by leading by example. My parents teach me new things everyday and vice versa. Some things are funny, some things are practical and most are to help me survive. :) The following list are a few of the many things.

  • If you crash your car, it will be okay as long as you are not hurt. (I have learned this one a few too many times)
  • They will always love you.... no matter what.
  • No great mistake is enough for them to stop loving you.. unless you are six feet under.. even then they will love you.
  • If you are going to scare or tickle them prepare for the repercussions.
  • Always take the gas money when they offer.. Even if you're like me and dislike receiving money. (I know I am weird)
  • Try your best at everything you do.. even if you do not succeed you have the satisfaction of knowing you gave it your all.
  • If you fall down, get back up and keep truckin.
  • Learn how to defend yourself
  • If you're using a vacuum always look up. (Broke a few lights not following this one)
  • When you turn 10 you can no longer fall asleep on the couch and magically turn up in your bed in the morning.
  • If you can not find something.... keep looking before you go ask them where it is... it's usually where they said it was.
  • Always bring a coat in the winter. Even if you do not want to wear it, always bring it. I promise you that your parents are especially right about this one.
  • They will keep your secrets a secret and it is okay to open up to them every now and then.
  • It's okay to cry, but it usually will not solve your problems.
  • If your battle is too big for you, give it up to God.

Even though my life still has many more years, I can not thank my parents enough for the wisdom they have instilled in me. I appreciate all their hard work and effort to ensure I have a good life. I am thankful for realizing this early in life, so I can be blessed with many more lovely years with them. Take the time today to tell your parents you love them. They may not be here tomorrow because you never know what life has planned. Also, if your parents are as cool as mine, do not think God won't take them to have one awesome angel. Thank your parents for blessing you with your life and for loving you. Even though you may not agree on something or they get on your nerves. They love you so much that you can not even comprehend the amount.

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6

Lots of Love,

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Yes.....Just Allie

On Twitter lately I have seen hashtags such as #Growingupwithsiblings and #Growingupshy. The hashtag that I resonate the most with is #Growingupwithmyname. Soooooo... By this point I have a feeling someone is curious why I named my blog "Yes... Just Allie." Wellllllllllll let me tell you. My full name is Allie... Yes... Just Allie. My entire life this has been a struggle. I have gotten so many questions like "Your name is not Allison?" Or "No, what is your full name?." My personal favorite is "Please write your full legal name." *I proceed to write my full name* "No, no not just Allie your FULL name." I swear lady..this is my full name. Sooner or later I am going to have to start carrying my birth certificate along. It's not Allison, Alyssa, Alexis or Alice... JUST ALLIE. You probably can't tell this is one of my biggest pet peeves now can you? It drives me utterly insane to be called anything that Allie is short for. So, long story short, this is where my blog name sprouted. Sorry for my rant, but.. Yes, my name is just Allie.

He counts the stars and knows them all by name. -Psalm 147:4

Lots of Love,

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Just Breath

God has given me breath in this beautiful life, but he has created so many phenomenal places, humans and objects that counteract his original intentions. Over the past year I have experienced many milestones and have been blessed to travel. These adventures have brought many new experiences. Here are the things that take my breath away.
• The way public places can be so still and lifeless during the wee hours of the night or early morning.
• How little, baby's extremities are when they are born and how fast they grow.
• When traveling to Alaska the past few months it amazed me how blue/green the water is and that there is clearer water than the dirty Missouri. 
• How our pets can be so loving even after you left them home all day.
• The flat landscape of the Midwest. I never realized how incredible it is to see for miles and miles in a single glance.
• How a single voice of someone can create so many emotions.
• Rain. Ever since I can remember I have always loved rain. The peacefulness that it brings to me is marvelous. 
Running with my dog on a dirt road and forgetting about the rest of the world. 
• Life. We all start with different experiences and come from different backgrounds. No two of us are the same. 7 billion people in this world and no one is identical. This is so intriguing to me. God has created us all to be different.

There are so many moments in life that take your breath away if you just stop, put down the phone and look around. We get so sucked in by life sometimes we don't realize how truly blessed our lives are. Today... take a moment, breath and thank God for your life.

The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life. -Job 33:4

Lots of Love,

Monday, July 20, 2015

4 years

Four years ago I never knew what my life would amount to. You go through each day and feel as if they are so long, but in reality time passes so quick. When you look and analyze what has happened in the last couple years you begin to realize all of your accomplishments and failures. I didn't know that I would go to Puerto Rico spreading God's word or have a family member tragically ripped away from me. I never could have predicted that volunteering would become a passion or my heart would be shattered into a million pieces. You can never predict what happens day to day. I've learned many lessons in just my short 18 years.Always be slow to speak and quick to listen. Never go to bed angry and always tell your parents you love them. Trust your gut because it's usually right.... I also never knew people could mean so much to me. I've loved unconditionally and I've hurt uncontrollably, but it's all built me as a person. It felt like just yesterday I was a freshman walking through the halls and couldn't wait to be a senior. Now looking back, I wonder why I wanted to grow up so fast. Knowing that a year from today things will be so different. My home will be different and the people you thought you'd never lose touch with will fade away. I just have learned that we should pray  to God daily and thank him for the people he has placed in our lives and the people he has taken away. Each was brought into our life for a reason, to teach us something. Protect your heart and keep your head up. The storms pass and the light will shine through. Thank you to everyone who has made me into the person I am today. Never take a day of high school for granted because it goes by quicker than you think.

Be wise in the way you act; make the most of every opportunity. -Colossians 4:5

Lots of Love,

Sunday, July 19, 2015


Hello my friends.
I am Allie and new to this blogging thing.
Over the past few months I have wanted to try my take at blogging. A public journal in a sense. I have decided to give it a shot.
I thought I should give a run down of who I am and what my interests are.
1. I have many passions that I fulfill through volunteer work.
2. I love to box on my free time and picked up the interest about two years ago.
4. I have grown up the Midwest my entire life and have no intent on leaving to start my family.
4. Outside of my faith, family is everything to me. Even though we are dysfunctional I wouldn't trade a single one of them..

On my blog you will find many things that pertain to many interests. From girly things, to outdoor things, to things that deal with animals and everything in between. I hope you enjoy my blog and the events which are about to be unraveled. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. -1 Timothy 4:12

Lots of Love,