I love my parents. For most teenagers this would probably be an embarrassing statement, but for me it's not. This is because I learned the hard way it is easier to accept your parents' rules and disciplines than it is to fight them. Over the past four years my parents and I have grown to be exceptionally close. I am so blessed to have three people that care for me so much and help me live a life by leading by example. My parents teach me new things everyday and vice versa. Some things are funny, some things are practical and most are to help me survive. :) The following list are a few of the many things.
- If you crash your car, it will be okay as long as you are not hurt. (I have learned this one a few too many times)
- They will always love you....
matter what.no
- No great mistake is enough for them to stop loving you..
you are six feet under..unless then they will love you.even
- If you are going to scare or tickle them prepare for the repercussions.
- Always take the gas money when they offer.. Even if you're like me and dislike receiving money. (I know I am weird)
- Try your best at everything you do..
if you do not succeed you have the satisfaction of knowing you gave it your all.even
- If you fall down, get back up and keep
- Learn how to defend yourself
- If you're using a vacuum always look up. (Broke a few lights not following this one)
- When you turn 10 you can no longer fall asleep on the couch and magically turn up in your bed in the morning.
- If you can not find something....
looking before you go ask them where it is...keep usually where they said it was.it's
- Always bring a coat in the winter. Even if you do not want to wear it, always bring it. I promise you that your parents are especially right about this one.
- They will keep your secrets a secret and it is okay to open up to them every now and then.
- It's okay to cry, but it usually will not solve your problems.
- If your battle is too big for you, give it up to God.
Even though my life still has many more years, I can not thank my parents enough for the wisdom they have instilled in me. I appreciate all their hard work and effort to ensure I have a good life. I am thankful for realizing this early in life, so I can be blessed with many more lovely years with them. Take the time today to tell your parents you love them. They may not be here tomorrow because you never know what life has planned. Also, if your parents are as cool as mine, do not think God won't take them to have one awesome angel. Thank your parents for blessing you with your life and for loving you. Even though you may not agree on something or they get on your nerves. They love you so much that you can not even comprehend the amount.
Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6
Lots of Love,
Lots of Love,