Thursday, November 12, 2015

26 Days of Thankfulness

Throughout November I will be posting what I am thankful for each day.

1st- I am thankful for my life that God blesses me with each day.
2nd- I am thankful for my hometown and the beauty it provides. I did not realize how lovely my hometown was until I moved away.
3rd- I am thankful for my high school teachers and how they prepared me for college. I have a special place for my favorite teachers. I miss them dearly and hope to see them soon.
4th- I am thankful for my best friend and the happiness she brings to my life. I can contact her and she know just how to brighten my day.
5th- I am thankful for the college I attend, we can openly share our faith here. Just the other day we prayed for one of my teachers and his family in class. We dropped what we were doing and prayed to God. For this I will be forever grateful.
6th- I am thankful for my parents and how much the provide to me. I took them for granted in high school because I just expected that was what parents did. I do not want this attitude anymore.
7th- I am thankful for my dogs. Even though we annoy each other like siblings they listen to me and always know how to brighten my day. They also motivate me to be a better person towards animals and motivate me to work out.
8th- I am thankful for my opportunity to work with children. This is truly a rewarding job and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
9th- I am thankful for my friends I have made at college. I am blessed to know these God loving, God fearing individuals. They amaze me each day and I am blessed to be apart of this time of their lives.
10th-I am thankful for my country and the opportunites it provides me to thrive.
11th-I am thankful for the military personal who are serving our country and the veterans that fought for our freedom. I am also thankful for their families to allow them to be gone for extended periods of time.
12th-I am thankful to know where my next meal is coming from and not have to worry about being hungry.
13th- I am thankful to live in safe area where most of the time I don't have to be concerned with being harmed.
14th-I am thankful for my gift of being good with children. I enjoy being around them and teaching them new concepts.
15th- I am thankful for sharing similar hobbies with parents so we can marvel at the same things.
16th-I am thankful to live in a state that sees snow. I am unsure what I would do if I could not experiance its beauty.
17th- I am thankful for academics that challenge me and my views everyday. It is creating me into a better thinker and well rounded individual. I am also thankful for family that can come to my rescue in a time of need.
18th- I am thankful God created me and allowed me to live years ago. I am thankful for the nurses and doctors who took care of me when I was born. Without them and my parents there is a chance I would not be here today. I am thankful God spared me.
19th- I am thankful for the opportunites to serve others. I am thankful to God for providing me with a servants heart.
20th- I am thankful for SNOW!!!!!!
21st-I am thankful for my boyfriend. So blessed and excited to have him home.
22nd-I am thankful that I am blessed with a servants heart and found my passion in serving others.
23rd-I am thankful for trials that challenge my faith and allow me to grow towards God
24th- am thankful for the organization of Love Your Melon. They provide much help for pediatric cancer research.
25th- I am thankful for new friends I am constantly making each day.
26th- I am thankful for food and family God has provided me.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. -Ephesians 5:20

Lots of Love,

Monday, November 9, 2015

Ex Best Friend

An open letter to my ex best friend.

Dear ex best friend,
How is your life going? I haven't talked to you in a few years, but I would like you to know that I am still here for you.  I pray for you every night and hope college is blessing you. I know there are things I would like to share with you, but we have since parted ways.  I miss you, but I know its to late to mend our relationship. I miss the stupid things we did together and the inside jokes we had. I miss taking trips with you. I am thankful for your relationship with me and the lessons it taught. Through the years there are a few things I would like to thank you for. Thank you for allowing me to express myself. Thank you for showing me what it means to have a best friend. Thank you for letting me get to know your family. Thank you for showing me what it means to not be able trust someone. Thank you for showing me that it is okay to be alone. I appreciate everything we went through as it made me into a better person. I hope you have found a new best friend in college and that you two will be life long friends. I just know we weren't mature enough then to handle each others differences. By now we have both grown into better people and I believe our future realtionships will flourish from here. I was both blessed and cursed to know you as we experienced real laughs and real pain together. I ask God to guide you on a successful path for the future and that he will bless you abundantly. In college I hope you are creating the life you always wanted. Enjoy the coming years and thanks for being my once best friend.

He who walks with the wise becomes wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. -Proverbs 13:20

Lots of Love,

Thursday, November 5, 2015

To God Goes the Glory

Are we giving credit where credit is due? Are you celebrating your success's with God? Are we sharing our failures as well? Growing up my mom always use to tell me to use the phrase "To God goes the glory." This phrase has really stuck with me throughout my years. This is something I use when I pass a test or I hear bad news during the day. I know God will take care of it and he will provide. We need to give credit to God for all the beautiful things he provides to us during our daily life. God gets the glory when we thank him for waking us for another day of life. Every good and bad experience that happens in our life is because of God's plan. He is orchestrating everything we need to do to honor him. Praise God for the A on your test, Praise God for the crappy cafe food, Praise God for the little kids who make your day, Praise God for blessing you with  a job and a house to sleep in. These simple objects we take for granted everyday are brought to us by God. As Christians we need to give credit where credit is due.

Dear God,
I thank you for waking me up to another day of life. I ask that you bless me with motivation and strength. Please clear my head of any distractions that prevent me from serving you. I thank you for loving me and never giving up. Thank you for directing me towards a school that honors you. I want to walk beside you all the days of my life. Thank you for blessing me with my job, my home, my food, another day of life, my relationships and thank you for blessing me with the ability to express my faith. I thank you for this beautiful creation we live on and I thank you for creating me. Please direct my heart to glorify you. Amen.

Thanking God is a prayer you can pray everyday. It never gets old to thank him for your life here on earth. I encourage you to thank God tonight for your life, as you never know what tomorrow will bring.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
-1 Corinthians 10:31

Lots of Love,