This month flew by so quickly that it felt like I blinked and it was over. I am so thankful to have spent the month on Pine Ridge working with some of my favorite people. The week began with building and organizing shelving units for the new Adorned Campaign office. I was also able to help Miss Pam with some tasks she needed completed and made a new friend, her dog Piper!

Wednesday night was church and Awana night. This Wednesday the kids learned about the Tower of Babel and how God mixed up our languages. God did this to the people because they were building a tower for their own glory and not for the glory of God. They listened to the Bible story and then had to build towers of their own with marshmallows and toothpicks. They could work together or by themselves, but the end result had to be a freestanding tower! The kids also worked to put puzzles together! We stressed the importance of communication and how difficult it would be if we all spoke a different language. We also talked about how when we are doing tasks, we need to glorify God, not ourselves.

On Friday we had a inauguration watch party to see the new president sworn in. Despite everyones political views, it was a historical aspect our students had not yet experienced in their lifetime. We talked about what this meant for our country and they had many questions. I also got some prime baby snuggle while watching the inauguration!
I have a feeling this is a depiction of my future.
Anyone who knows me, knows I want a lot of
kids, but preferably all boys! :) |
After school on Thursday, I ended up heading a little over an hour away to Rapid City Urgent Care. The day before I experienced what we thought was a bug bite on my knee, but by the next day it had significantly grown and became irritated. Unfortunately the few days with no bites was short lived and I ended up with an infected knee. They prescribed me with antibiotics and sent me on my way.
Saturday morning the Haddens and I headed on over to the pantry. We organized clothing and set out clothing for individuals to look through! We had multitudes of children clothes and every single piece was needed! We were excited to see a need being filled within our community. Jacob assisted with cutting open our boxes and being the strong man for the day!
My last few days were filled with fun! We did some organizing, finished up school, gave the puppies a bath and even did ear candles! Who knew cleaning my ears could be so much fun! I am so thankful for the missionary families for hosting me over this month and for all the new friends I was able to meet. I am already getting excited to return in March.
Thank you God for this opportunity! I am so grateful to continue to see Gods’ work on the reservation. Please continue to pray for the missionaries and others on the reservation. If you are ever interested in ever coming along to see Gods’ beauty please let me know!
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. -Psalms 1:1-2
Lots of Love,